Girls & Glass Ceilings | The Gender Gap | Ohio Accounting Podcast | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

episode 20: girls & glass ceilings – the gender gap

Lesley Mast, CPA, principal and director of tax services at Rea & Associates, joins Mark on episode 20 of unsuitable on Rea Radio to discuss society’s gender gap – specifically in the workforce. Throughout this dynamic conversation Lesley shares the progression of her own professional career path and talks about what it’s like to be a member of Rea’s Leadership Team. She also talks about the unique perspective women bring to business and problem–solving while emphasizing the importance of voice, contribution and participation, regardless of gender. Lesley points to the value of trust, and confidence in the workplace as key pillars to bridging the gender gap. Notably in this episode, Lesley discusses her internal struggle to find the delicate balance between passivity and aggression regarding roles in the business world. Lastly, the episode stresses the simple act of “speaking out” and “speaking up,” by encouraging conversations, while promoting the need to encourage more women to aspire to leadership roles.

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